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Book List for UPSC

HISTORY MODERN HISTORY: a brief history of modern India by Rajiv Ahir, spectrum India

Art and culture by Nitin Singhania

Anicent and Medieval India by Poonam Dalal Dahiya

NCERT Class XI and XII

Indian culture and heritage by Devdutt Pattanaik

GEOGRAPHY NCERT: 6th to 12th old and newGes periods Vol 1 : Physical, world and environmental geography by Mohan Krishnamurthy

Ges periods Mol 2 : Indian, human and economic by Mohan Krishnamurthy

Certificate Physical and human geography: G C Leong

Oxford atlas or orient Blackswan

Globe and wall maps


Indian geography by Dr. Khullar

Physical geography by Strahler

Human geography by Majid Hussain

POLITY Indian constitution at work: 11th NCERT

Democratic politics:10th NCERT

Indian polity: Lakshmikanth

Introduction to Indian constitution: Durga Das Basu

ECONOMY Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Science and technology by Ravi P Agrahari

Science and technology: Arihant publications

CSAT A modern approach to verbal and non-verbal reasoning by Dr. RS Aggarwal

CSAT Paper- 2 manual by McGraw Hill

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS NCERT XIIInternational relations: Pushpesh pant

Indian polity by M Laxmikanth

Current affairs and Hindu newspaper

ESSAY Contemporary essays by Ramesh Singh
ENGLISH Compulsory English by AP Bhardwaj
SOCIAL ISSUES Social problems in India by Ram Ahuja

The Hindu newspaper: Editorials

Indian Express editorials

NCERT class 11th and 12th.

ETHICS AND INTEGRITY Ethics, integrity, and aptitude by Santhosh Ajmera and Nanda Kishore Reddy, McGraw hill publications

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by M Karthikeyan